Thursday, August 7, 2008

Am I late?

Hello everyone!

It would be good for the first post to explain what is the thing about I guess, I'll try to do this. "Google Worship" is a name that came into my mind quite long time ago, probably just after I realized how "clearly" and directly Google implements computer science theories I learned about at my university into the real world. The theories I'm talking about, or actually one general idea that covers the thing is linear scalability. You can read more about it in The magic that makes Google tick article. OK, but not to go to deep into details in the first post, that basically started my fascination for Google. It may seem unclear why it happened so maybe now few words about myself.
Generally I'm a computer scientist with a master degree. I work as a computer programmer (not for Google ;) ) and so on. But that is not the most important thing I guess, it's rather my, bit philosophical maybe, attitude to information. My zodiac sign description says that my planet is Mercury which is connected with the Greek god of trade and information sharing and that what people from my sign like is to collect and share information. Actually I'm not very into astrology but in my case it is very true. As you probably start to notice Google does basically what I like just in very, VERY different scale and in this previously mentioned "mathematically perfect" way. Oh, I almost forgot, I'm a perfectionist too ;)
OK, I believe that explains the idea because it starts to become more personal blog than I'd like it too be ;)
Why I started it now you may ask. Well, to be honest, I just watched Google - behind the screen documentary, checked some new functionalities of Google I missed till now (for example Google Book Search) and realised Google still develops with the same pace as on the beginning, despite the fact I couldn't find a thing it doesn't cover long time ago.

So without making it unnecessarily long: Google Worship blog will try to cover my personal observations, fascinations, comments and thoughts about Google and it's development.

Few technical things.
As a worshipper ;) I'll put all links here by the matter of Google. Which means it will be a direct link to a Google service or a search results for a term. You can already see examples above. Why? Because I think it's fun to do it this way ;)
Second thing, I'm not a journalist or even think about myself that I know how to write texts. That's my first blog ever written and probably the last one at the same time so please be understanding. And if it's normal when it comes to blogs and this explanation is totally unnecessary forgive me again, I'm not very into blogs neither. ;)
And the last thing. English is not my native language. I know I make all kinds of errors when using it but wanted to be available globally, as Google *cough*. What I really hate though, is when someone uses a foreign language and makes errors, so if there is a person that would check my posts from time to time I would really appreciate it.

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